Monday, November 24, 2008

Omega-3 Fatty Acids = Essential! Where can I get me some?

Topic & My comment originally posted on:

Website of Professor Marion Nestle, Author of Food Politics (among other books):


Upgraded health claim for omega-3?

November 22, 2008

Yes Virginia, there is indeed a trade association for everything and omega-3 fats have their very own. This one is hard at work trying to get the FDA to approve a full health claim (as opposed to the current qualified claim) for omega-3 fatty acids and heart disease risk. The FDA now allows this statement: “Supportive but not conclusive research shows that consumption of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease” (my emphasis). I can understand why the omega-3 industry wants something stronger. Health claims, as I keep insisting, are about marketing, not health.

  1. Since I know that nutrients in foods work best when they’re together–like a symphony, I focus on eating healthy WHOLE food.
    There are many benefits from eating Walnuts:

    or Flax Seed (to help access all the flax seed's nutrients, I like to use coffee grinder, then store them and walnuts each in their own jar in the refrigerator)

    Both are a great plant-based source of protein, provide us with fiber to keep our gut healthy, are high in Essential Omega-3 Fatty Acids, and taste yummy in a green smoothie or with soy yogurt!

    Comment by Daniel Ithaca,NY — November 24, 2008 @ 9:27 am


It is very important to realize that supplements don't necessarily:
--have the same effect as the foods which they are otherwise a part of.
--have a consistent amount of the Vitamin, Mineral, or other nutrient you are wishing to consume. Some brands may have 100% of what they say some may have 10% and some may have more than the stated amount.
We may have read that foods containing Vitamin E are healthy for us, for promoting cardiovascular health especially. The supplement industry sees these research articles and extrapolates-takes it out of context- the information to mean that taking a Vitamin E supplement, must also be healthy for cardiovascular health. We know in the case of Vitamin E that opposite may actually be true. Some studies have shown Vitamin E supplements increase problems with heart disease.
"Johns Hopkins University also performed a meta-analysis of 19 clinical studies
and they published their findings in January 2005. The result showed that a daily
dose of 400 IU or more Vitamin E increased the risk of death from all cause."

Food companies often extrapolate this information as well, adding certain nutrients to their usually highly processed/high calorie foods. 100% Vitamin C with lots of pictures of fruit! But it could have just 2% Fruit juice if you look carefully.

Sources of Vitamin E: nuts, leafy green vegetables, are two great healthy sources of this important nutrient.

The important issue here: eat healthy nutritious, especially organic, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds etc. to get your nutrients, health doesn't come in a pill!

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